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Sunday School

Attendance: 13

Volunteer: Miss Fay Z. Shasha & Miss Michelle S. Ghanime

Topic: Lent

Material: handouts, colored paper, flash cards, markers, stickers, the Rice Bowls, pencils and crayons  


We talked about when Lent started and we would do in the 40 days (Holy Week not included) that follow Ash Wednesday. Lent verbs are: 

Pray: go to Mass more often, pray more often.  

Fast: going without food or eating less. It can also mean giving up a certain food or treat, for example watching TV. 

Give: means doing good for others. That can be giving gifts of money or help to others. 


Kids did some craft art about these verbs as well.

They also got the Rice Bowl and they would start to donate money using these bowls. 

After taking the holy communion, the kids enjoyed the cupcakes celebrating those whose birthdays were in January and February. They are: Alex, Bellia and Ashley with some gifts to the birthday kids. 


Please find attached some photos of yesterday's class. Thank you!


Best reagrds,

Taghreed - Sunday Class teacher  

Today in sunday school, Christmas Activities, Having fun time with coloring. 

التلوين والمتعة في التعليم المسيحي لرعية سيدة النجاة

First Day in Sunday School in Our Lady Of Deliverance Parish


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Our Lady Of Deliverance, Syriac Catholic Parish, new Jersey, USA 

رعية سيدة النجاة للسريان الكاثوليك في ولاية نيوجيرسي - الولايات المتحدة الامريكية

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